by Michael Cotter

Preface (Details)

I chose to showcase some of the visual work I have done for Jet Fuel Review as the Marketing and Development editor. I worked on several promotional flyers, promotional videos, and articles to help Jet Fuel reach new heights.

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Newsletter Article (Re: Website Re-Design) (Details)

To celebrate ten great issues of Jet Fuel Review, I thought it would act as a nice commemoration to re-design the website.

The old website was a great symbol of where Jet Fuel Review has been. It established itself in a manner that was organized, simple, and functional.

In the re-design, I tried to make the layout and design a symbol of what Jet Fuel has grown to and where it may lead.

The new design features a lighter color scheme – the former was black. I chose to make the new design lighter to make it seem more modern and less heavy. By doing this, I believed that it would make the website more welcoming and make the viewer want to explore it more.

Another new feature in the design is the header. I chose to use a banner format that allowed for a segment of the latest cover art to be displayed. This worked in as a great way to attract the viewers eye and link the design of the website to the journal itself making the two work more in tandem.

I also worked on updating the masthead. I think this feature is one of the most important features on the website being that it takes a feature of the journal, the editors page, one step further and allows for the audience to become more familiar with who is working on the journal and the numerous positions many have taken on. By creating a new flow and standardizing the photo size and shape, I believe I managed to make the page more enjoyable. I also tried to make this page more engaging by asking editors to provide links to where else they can be found like a blog, LinkedIn profile, or website.

Last, but not least, the re-designed issue library. This page allows for the view to look at all ten of the issues of Jet Fuel Review in a newsstand format and see the legacy that it has become. With major help from Ashley Castillo and Tim Fitzpatrick, we were able to update the page and make eBook versions of all of the previous issues.

For now, I think the website looks stunning. It’s engaging, easily maneuvered, and brings Jet Fuel Review into a new era.

Old Website (Details)

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Mobile-Friendly Design (Details)

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"Fall Ball" Trailer

992 page visits from 7 December 2015 to 22 January 2025